
Introducing IFI's New Associate Fellow


The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut is delighted to welcome Professor Maja Janmyr as an Associate Fellow. She is joining our team as an expert on international migration law and the refugee regime. Maja Janmyr is a Professor of International Migration Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, and a Research Associate at the Refugee Studies Centre of the University of Oxford. She holds a PhD in international law from the University of Bergen. Prof. Janmyr’s work focuses broadly on the international refugee regime, and has published widely on historical and socio-legal issues relating to refugees and other migrants in Lebanon. She leads several large research projects, and currently holds a prestigious Starting Grant (2021-2026) from the European Research Council for the project “Protection without Ratification? International Refugee Law beyond States Parties to the 1951 Refugee Convention (BEYOND)”, as well as a FRIPRO grant (2019-2023) from the Research Council of Norway for the project “Refugees and the Arab Middle East: Protection in States Not Party to the Refugee Convention (REF-ARAB)”. For the University of Oslo, she also leads a work package on the H2020 consortium project “Global Asylum Governance and European Union's Role” (ASILE).

"I am very happy to be welcoming Maja back to IFI, as an Associate Fellow this time. Her renowned expertise and extensive research on refugee rights in the Middle East and particularly Lebanon will be of great value to our work on this sensitive topic at the Institute. We look forward to working closely with Maja. "

- Dr. Joseph Bahout, IFI Director

"I am very excited to be back at IFI, now as an Associate Fellow. The fellowship is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate more closely on research relating to refugees and other migrants in Lebanon and the broader Middle East region. I look forward to being a part of AUB’s vibrant refugee studies community."

-  Professor Maja Janmyr, IFI Associate Fellow

We invite you to visit the IFI Fellows page to learn more about our new fellow and her areas of expertise.

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